Fleet One Call Costs

Call Type Cost of Call Per Minute
Calls to Pivotel Customer Care Calls to Pivotel Test number
Divert Calls to Voicemail SMS Voicemail Notification Emergency Calls
Calls to Iridium 8816, 8817 $9.71/Min
Call to Thuraya 88216 $4.41/Min
Call to Inmarsat 870, BGAN, SBB, FB $0.75/Min
Call to Globalstar (voice) $7.06/Min
Call to Inmarsat M (voice) $2.57/Min
Call to Inmarsat Mini-M/GAN/Fleet/Swift (voice) $2.21/Min
Voice to Inmarsat Aero $4.33/Min
Voice to Other MSS system $6.09/Min
Voice to Inmarsat Mini-M/GAN/Fleet/Swift (voice) $2.21/Min